Your personal bookmark site usable from any computer with an internet connection.

What is Universal Web Remote

Your personal start page to the world wide web. Taking social bookmarking to the extreme by rating your favorite links based on usage. Universal Web Remote offers you the ability to use your favorite bookmarks from any computer which has internet access from anywhere in the world without using special software.

Key Features:

  • Free Accounts
  • Simple & Easy To Use
  • Social Bookmarking
  • Portable Bookmark Lists
  • Bookmarks Ranked By Usage
  • Easy Setup

Where it all began...

Universal Web Remote was created in 2001 by Benjamin Foley as a personal bookmarking site. At the time it was only available to a select few people. As additional friends saw the concept they encouraged him to open it to the public. In 2006, Universal Web Remote made its public debut. Today Universal Web Remote has grown to serve 6 users and contains 1121 links.

How Do I Sign Up?

Universal Web Remote is a social site that requires an existing user to provide an invite. Each user can share the site with their friend circle. This will allow them to share links with their friends and it keeps our site free of malicious evil doers and nefarious androids.